


EthicsPoint是NAVEX Global创建的一个全面且保密的报告工具,旨在帮助管理层和员工共同解决欺诈问题, 滥用, 以及工作场所的其他不当行为, all while cultivating a positive work environment.


威尼斯人平台致力于促进道德行为和遵守法律和政策的文化, 并为员工提供了多种渠道, faculty and other members of the University community to report or discuss concerns. While we recommend that you report your concerns directly to your supervisor or human resources, we understand that in certain circumstances you may wish to remain anonymous. ethicpoint工具使您能够在保持匿名性和保密性的同时,沟通与不道德或非法活动相关的问题和关注点.



ethicpoint应该在某些情况下使用, 您认为个人或团体的事件或行为对大学的声誉和财务状况产生负面影响,或不利于生产力或人身安全.

Are there any situations that should not be reported through EthicsPoint?

ethicpoint不是911或紧急服务. 不使用ethicpoint报告对生命或财产构成直接威胁的事件或其他紧急情况. Reports submitted through EthicsPoint may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please call 911.

为什么我要报告我所知道的? 这对我有什么好处?

我们都有权利在一个积极的环境中工作和上学,随之而来的是以道德的方式行事的责任,如果有人行为不当,让适当的人知道. By working together, we can maintain a healthy and productive environment.


当然有. 事实上,我们需要你来报到. You know what is going on in our University–both good and bad. You may have initial knowledge of an activity that may be cause for concern. Your reporting can minimize the potential negative impact on the University and our community. 也, 提供积极的投入可能有助于发现可以改善和促进积极的工作和威尼斯人平台环境的问题.



EthicsPoint is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You have the ability to file a confidential, anonymous report by telephone or via the Internet.

如果您拨打热线电话866-384-4277, 经过专门培训的ethicpoint电话代表将通过确定您可能报告的更广泛的合规性类别和每个类别中的特定问题,指导您完成报告过程. 类似的, 在线报告系统界面提供了一系列问题,以帮助您准确识别要报告的类别和问题.

无论你是通过电话还是在线提交报告, you will be asked to describe the suspected compliance problem with as much detail as possible, including when and where the incident occurred and who was involved.

Once you complete your report, you will receive a unique report key and create your own password. 这些信息使您能够通过互联网或电话返回ethicpoint系统访问您的报告.


威尼斯人平台确保通过ethicpoint提交的报告将得到及时和谨慎的处理. 任何善意举报或询问可能违反大学政策的行为,或就如何处理可疑违规行为寻求指导的人,威尼斯人平台不会对其采取报复行动. 通过ethicpoint提交的报告将得到威尼斯人平台的认真关注,并在过程的每一步中保持您的机密性和匿名性.

How do I follow up with more information or hear about the outcome of a report?

通过使用您的报告密钥和密码, 您可以在整个调查过程中(从最初审查到解决和结束)在ethicpoint中访问您的报告. It is important that you check the system regularly for updates. 大学可能会通过ethicpoint与您联系,询问您的问题或要求您提供进一步的信息,以帮助他们进行调查.

Unless you choose to identify yourself, all interactions with EthicsPoint are anonymous.

请注意,为了保护记者和其他为调查提供信息的个人,我们的调查结果是保密的. 然而, if upon closure of a report you continue to observe inappropriate behavior, 我们鼓励你再提交一份报告.

报告:安全 & 保密


No. You do not have to reveal your identity to use EthicsPoint. 然而, 如果您不希望知道您的身份,我们调查和解决问题的能力可能会受到某些类型报告的限制.


No. 电话不会被追踪或记录. EthicsPoint does not generate or maintain any internal connection logs with IP addresses, so no information linking your computer to EthicsPoint is available. You may submit your report from any Internet portal (work, 首页, 或公用电脑), and the EthicsPoint system strips away Internet addresses to maintain complete anonymity. Reports placed with EthicsPoint are protected by the latest encryption technology.


大学严禁对任何举报或善意询问可疑的不法或非法活动或参与与此类活动有关的调查或诉讼的社区成员进行报复. 大学认为这些行为是受保护的活动,其社区的所有成员都可以自由参与,而不必担心直接产生负面后果.

Reports will be handled as promptly and discreetly as possible, with facts made available only to those who need to know to investigate and resolve the matter. EthicsPoint和大学致力于保护提交报告的个人的机密性.

Does EthicsPoint replace existing reporting channels?

EthicsPoint supplements the many existing reporting channels across the University. 在理想的情况下, 您应该向您的直接主管报告任何问题,以便及时适当地处理可能违反政策或法律的行为. 我们认识到, 然而, that there may be circumstances when you are not comfortable reporting an issue in this manner. We would rather you report anonymously through EthicsPoint than keep the information to yourself.

What if my supervisor or other man年龄r is involved in the violation? 他们会得到一份报告吗?

Conflict screening is built into the report review and investigation process. 最初, ethicpoint确保报告中标识的任何个人都不会收到系统通知或访问报告. 大学进行额外的冲突筛选,以确保它不会包括任何有冲突或在报告中被引用的个人.

Are there confidentiality protections regarding the person a report is about?

调查人员在整个调查过程中尽可能在完成审查时保密. 所有报告只与完成调查所需的最少人数共享, and all individuals involved are apprised of the confidential nature of these reports. 所有报告仅被视为指控. No actions will be taken before conclusion of an investigation, 除非有必要采取临时措施,以解决机构对人身安全或财产保护的紧迫关切.

提示 & 最佳实践

I am aware of some individuals involved with unethical conduct, but it doesn't affect me. 我为什么要报告呢?

Unethical behavior, at any level, ultimately hurts all of us. 在最坏的情况下, unethical behavior jeopardizes the University in its entirety, 这会影响到我们所有人以及我们的工作. If you know of any incidents of misconduct or ethical violations, it is your duty as a member of the Redlands community to report it.

I am not sure if what I have observed or heard is a violation of University policy, 或者涉及不道德的行为, 但我觉得这不太对劲. 我该怎么办??

提交报告. EthicsPoint can help you prepare and file your report so it can be properly understood. 我们宁愿你报告一个无害的情况,而不是因为你不确定而让可能的不道德行为不受控制.

What if I remember something important about the incident after I file the report? Or what if the University has further questions for me concerning my report?

使用您的报告密钥和密码返回ethicpoint系统并访问您的原始报告,以提供额外或更新的信息或回答调查小组提出的问题. We strongly suggest that you return to the site often for updates.

Are these follow-ups on reports as secure as the first one?

All EthicsPoint correspondences are held in the same strict confidence as the initial report.


你不必匿名举报. There is a section in the report for identifying yourself, if you wish.

Can I still file a report if I do not have access to the Internet?

You can file an EthicsPoint report from any computer that can access the Internet. 你可以在家归档. Many public locations, including the public library, have Internet computers. If you do not have access to or are uncomfortable using a computer, 你可以拨打ethicpoint免费热线, 哪一个是24小时开放的, 一年365天,电话866-384-4277.

Is the telephone toll-free hotline confidential and anonymous too?

是的. 您将被要求提供您在基于互联网的报告中提供的相同信息, and an interviewer will type your responses into the EthicsPoint Web site. These reports have the same security and confidentiality measures applied to them.

If you still have questions, please contact the Sr. 财务和行政副总裁,电话909-748-8180或财务总监办公室,电话909-748-8171或电子邮件 ethicsreporting@雷德兰兹.edu.